The great thing about getting organized is that when you’re done, you’ll feel less stress knowing you can locate documents and just about anything in the office quicker and
easier. Here are six tips to help you be a wizard of office organization.
Clean up your office.
Too much office clutter can stress anyone because it becomes difficult to find the important papers you really need. Take some time to toss out everything that’s not absolutely essential including the outdated or duplicate items. You may be able to donate old equipment that you can later apply to your taxes. A good thought to keep in mind is if you haven’t used something in the last year, chances are you never will.
Convert paper files into electronic ones.
When you first start your office cleanup, look toward your hard copy files. There’s a good chance you have documents and unimportant papers you no longer need. With identity theft common these days, it’s a good idea to shred all of these items when discarding them. You also have the option of scanning the original documents and storing them on disc.
Those tiny paper receipts need to go.
Those small receipts you receive from stores, restaurants and gas stations are prime targets to get misplaced. Scan or use a receipt management app to export and store them for future use. If you’re utilizing this type of app, confirm that your accounting app is compatible.
Speed up your document sending processes.
E-mail documents quickly and conveniently to your business associates and clients with Google Drive, which allows you to store up to 15GB at no cost. This is another method you can employ to streamline your office functions and tidy and reduce your database clutter.
Keep your e-mails organized.
Once you’ve separated yourself from all that needless paper, look to filing and categorizing your e-mails. Purge all old e-mails and ones that don’t need a response. E-mails need to be neatly sorted in folders for future reference and unsubscribe from any subscriptions that are unimportant or no longer relevant.
Yes, there are apps for your books.
It’s a world of helpful apps and your mission is to find the ones that can make life in the office easier. Purchase an app such as Kashoo, InDinero, FreshBooks, and Mint that are designed to get your books organized.