Boost Traffic to Your Website

After you introduce your website to the world, you’ll want to drive visitors to your site.

Let’s take a look at some of the best ways to accomplish that objective.

Make search engines work for you.

Online search engines are what people utilize today to find companies who sell products they’re looking for. Work on search engine optimization (SEO) by using good keywords so people find you in their search results.

Connect links back to your website.

When you link other websites back to yours, you not only increase traffic to your site, but also boost SEO rankings.

Hook up articles from other sites to yours.
Google, Facebook and MySpace are just some of the sites that include articles that are shared with other members. Headlines from several of these sites can be found on each page, which can link to your website.

Create articles for other websites.
Some websites accept contributions from writers who may be other business owners such as yourself with expertise in a specific area. Many of these sites don’t offer payment for your writing but can usually provide a link to your site.

Online directories can get you noticed.
Many online directories are out there waiting for your website listing. They’re usually grouped by industry and location. Select the directories that have a strong past record of landing a high number of visitors and that you can afford (some charge fees).

Increase exposure by trading ads with other companies.
Ads placed on the right sites with links back to yours can do wonders for your traffic. Through an advertisers’ group, you can trade advertising including banner ads with other members.

Take your marketing & promotions offline.

Always include your website address on all publications, business cards, ads, flyers, directories, and at professional associations.

Periodically create e-mails you can send to your existing clients as well as to other websites within your industry.
There are always conventions and trade shows you can target for your messaging. Advertise in their directories and speak at seminars and other event gatherings.